Vote for Andrew Champ-Doran

03 Nov


Election Day:  Tuesday, November 5.  Here in Ward 3, we vote at the George Washington School.  The polls are open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  I am asking for your support and your vote.  Make a plan to get out and vote.

Regular readers of this blog know my belief that we can accomplish something if we work together.  You know that I am willing to do the work.  The people here are certainly willing to make things happen in the City of Kingston.

My work has garnered the endorsements of the Republican Party, the Independence Party.  I have been endorsed by Mayor Shayne Gallo, the Kingston Professional Fire Fighters Association, Republican Alderman Nathaniel Horowitz, and former Democratic Alderman Lenny Walker.  My greatest honor, though, is the support and advice you have given me.  I promise to do everything I can to earn it, every day.

Don’t forget to flip the ballot over and vote on our 6 ballot measures.  If you didn’t get my earlier post about that, here’s a link to the League of Women Voters Guide that explains them all.

Please read this letter, and I’ll see you at the polls.

To the People of Ward 3 and the City of Kingston,

I am honored to continue in the race for Alderman of our Ward 3.  I hold the Republican and Independence lines on the Ballot on November 5, and I am working to earn the chance to represent the people here.  I am out every day, trying to reach everyone in the Ward, regardless of party affiliation or voter registration.  It is what I have done from the start.  It may not be the way to win a one-party primary, but I don’t believe you can effectively represent people if you are unwilling to talk to 3/4 of them until after an election.  For me, it has always been about all residents of our Third Ward, not political advancement or motivations.

Service as 3rd Ward Alderman is not a stepping stone to higher office.  It is the job I want to do.  I am asking for your vote.

I am proud and humbled by the support and endorsements I have received from a broad spectrum of people and organizations. I believe it is a testament to the quality of being able to work effectively with many different personalities which resonates with my supporters.

For my part, I think we have a real chance to move the Common Council again.  We can work to come up with creative solutions, or we can sit back and bemoan the problems, and attack the people trying to do something.  I have been working with officials and people to help with our problems in schools and hospitals, our commercial and residential corridors, and general quality of life issues that affect all of us.  Our infrastructure is old, and it’s not going to maintain or improve itself.  If we abandon the Washington Avenue sinkhole, we abandon the sewer line for over one third of Kingston.  How many years, and how many millions of dollars would that cost to replace?

We have a tiller fire truck that is in need of replacement, and an engine that broke down again, this time at a fire in the Third Ward.  If we don’t do what it takes to replace those as soon as we can, the fire rating we are awarded will drop, and the insurance rates of everyone in this city will skyrocket.  The cost for you and me to own our homes, and the cost of rentals, will most assuredly increase.

I have promised you updates and regular communication, I have promised to answer your questions with honesty and as completely as possible, and I have promised to listen to you and everyone else in the 3rd Ward.  I have consistently held to those commitments.

Simply put, I am interested in building a better Kingston as 3rd Ward Alderman.  Vote for Andrew Champ-Doran.  I’ll work hard for you.

Andrew Champ-Doran    Candidate for Alderman  Ward 3

The Champ-Doran Family

The Champ-Doran Family

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Posted by on November 3, 2013 in Uncategorized


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